Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Looking Through Dirty Windows

Sometimes life can be scary…especially if you don’t know what is around the corner. I think that is one of the things that people are most anxious about when dieting. They don’t know what is around the corner. Am I going to gain a pound this week or am I going to lose inches??? The list of worries and anxieties goes on and on. I think the thing I’m most excited but anxious about is…I want to know what I’m going to look like once I’ve reached my goal weight. If you’re like me…you’ve been at the weight you are for a long time and you just don’t remember what you looked like when you were 50 pounds lighter. I can’t even remember if I’ve ever been skinny. It’s just scary at times. Also, the thought that I’m sure runs through every woman’s head…if I lose too much weight, I’ll have to buy a whole new wardrobe. While this is a nice idea, who has the money to spend on a whole new wardrobe to fit your new body? I know that I don’t. So there are all kinds of fears that we face in dieting. I can’t wait to see what I’m going to look like in a couple of months, once I’ve reached my final destination, but the anxiety and the roller coasters that we ride on the way there, are sometimes more than we can bare. 1 Corinthians 13:12 - For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known. Right now, we’re looking through a colored glass. We can’t see the way things are going to be, when all we can see is the way things are now…but eventually, we’ll be face to face with reality. Right now, we only know the part of it…we know what we look like after what we’ve lost right now, but eventually, we’re going to know the whole of it. Once you’ve reached your goal, you will know what you are going to look like…right? Of course, but until then, we only see in part. Remember this verse next time you become anxious for results. God doesn’t want us to have results immediately, he wants us to be patient and wait on Him.

Congratulations to Denise for meeting a goal this morning. We want to help encourage you to meet your next goal of 2 more can do this and you're an inspiration to the rest of us. Knocking out goals quickly and efficiently.
Adrienne is currently training to do another Triathlon, the Lord provided the money, Glory be to God. I know He'll provide for the rest of your needs for the Triathlon as well. Good luck and may the Lord give you strength to finish STRONG. :) Have a good day Ladies!!!


  1. Jocelyn, What a great post!! That verse is awesome! You know how sometimes you know you've read verses but they haven't actually jumped out at you? Well that one did to me today. And you are so right!! So many thoughts,
    1. Since we have had kids, our bodies will never be the same as they were at our thinnest. But I believe that pregnancies do make our bodies more beautiful. We have more of an hour glass from our hips sticking out more, we have marks that show our love and devotion to our children from bearing them for 9 months.
    2. Don't worry about your wardrobe.. God will provide! I just read about this yesterday in Giving Christ First Place, "Take no fret for the marrow saying, what shall we eat, or waht shall we drink, or where with shall we be clothed.." Matt (from memory so hope that's
    3. for a while I was saving every penny I could get my hands on and putting it into an envelope I titled, "Goal weight money" and I got a good amount.. but then we used it on something.. lol. Thank you for encouraging me that God will provide for the rest of my triathlon money. :)
    PS do you know how much you've lost so far?? and you have met running goals!! Yay! Is your start weight the first S&B meeting or before that? Let me know. =)

  2. I'm taking the weight from S&B as my start weight because I have no clue what I was to actually "begin" with, so thus far 2.6 pounds...hoping to see it drop again Next Thursday. My new running goal is to run for a minute...regardless of the distance...I've tried it twice so far, the first time, I went 53.5 seconds (I had to turn around half way because Bailey dropped my keys)...the second time, i hit the wrong button and it shut my stopwatch off before I could see how long I ran. I usually hit start and then run until I can't run anymore. I haven't walked since Saturday because of various things (being out late and having unexpected plans and what not, so hoping to get back at it tomorrow) So anyway, that's where I stand at the moment. :)

  3. Thank you so much for this post!! I was just talking to a friend the other day, and I was only thin for a short amount of time right around my wedding, so large is the only size I really know. (Well extra large if I'm being honest) It's so hard to imagine myself being at a healthier weight! But I love finding new scripture to help me along my journey!! Thank you!!

  4. Thanks so much for this post, Jocelyn! What a great thought.
